Remembering our first cars:
Before we were married in 1964, our parents graciously lent their cars to us to use. A 1952 Pontiac for me and a 1957 Chrysler for hubby. When we got married, we hit the big time by buying a 1956 Chevy, 4 door, blue & white for the amazing amount of $600.00! Well, it lasted 2 good years and over the 50 years we have been married, we have gotten a variety of many cars from corvette to van. – Connie (Texas)
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Cynthia Lopinto
Cyn LoPinto, M.A. is a gerontologist focusing on significant issues affecting older adults and their families. Her areas of interest include lifestyle enrichment, family dynamics, and caregiver support. Cyn has worked in both the recreational and healthcare industries.